We nurture talent holistically and creatively, aiming to be integral partners for future professional footballers, and have a long record of achieving success.
We provide different types of educational and training programs, specific to each student's need and potential.

Student Assessment

We have sound mechanisms to gauge how fit our athletes are. Knowing the specifics help us set realistic goals, monitor progress and maintain motivation. The Academy regularly communicates the results transparently with the students and their families. After the assessment review, a special program is developed to ensure students grab maximum benefit from the training.

Training with our Six-Fold Core Strategy

Football is an engaging, physical activity, and it's important for young children to learn competitive sport that teaches them team spirit, brinkmanship and the ability to fast-think live situations - all the precious skills needed to navigate life's varying challenges.
The Academy starts regular season from September, embracing our 360-degree approach that involves the following Six Aspects-the core of our training program:


If you are competitively engaged in football, Pre-Season training and injury assessment is essential in your preparations. You will need to be at peak fitness as you get involved with competitions. Pre-Season training allows you to build strong fitness foundations and hones your technical ability, thereby ensuring optimum performance.

Skills, passing, receiving ball, finishing and aerial ability Attack and Defend Understanding principles of playing OUT/IN possession Confidence, Concentration, Creativity, Control, Commitment & Comunication
Agility and Balance | Coordination and Speed | Endurance and Flexibility | Power and Strength Behaviour and Reflection | Accountability | Responsibility Independence | Relationships and Team work Nutrition and Lifestyle Physical resilience Recovery

Exploring Opportunities

As young players learn from their coaches and develop skills and abilities, they begin to gain confidence. They'll work hard, hone their skills, and feel confident on and off the field. To keep connected with competitive sports, the Academy organises weekly matches like Youth Leagues, Friendly Matches, Cups and Tournaments.

Video Analysis

By building a library of video content, coaches show players their improvements and shortcomings. Such feedback keeps players motivated. At times, coaches share videos of professionals to show benchmark level of play. This is another way for players to understand how they can improve.


Camps, that bring together diverse players, offer structured opportunity for children to grow, mentally and physically. They help young children gain confidence, while learning new skills. The Academy's local and international camps are hugely popular and go a long way in honing life skills among children.


Action for Healthy Students is a nationwide initiative dedicated to improving the health and educational performance of children through better nutrition and physical activity in schools. Healthy students are better able to learn and achieve their true potential. The Academy periodically organises nutrition seminars for student and parents.


Football helps you build valuable inter-personal and other life enhancing skills. It teaches you the importance of right attitude, discipline, brinkmanship and the ability to take head-on challenging situations skilfully. Football teaches you dignity, whether you win or lose. We work closely through our channels to guide every student to take the most appropriate decision regarding their future.